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„The art of communication is the language of leadership"
James Humes

Effective Leadership

What is the true difference between „leading“ and „managing“?

Many employees get assigned leadership responsibility without being professionally prepared for it. The success and failure of the performance of a department is also largely dependent on the leadership skills of the person in charge. Targets must be achieved, and employees need to be involved and motivated. Reflecting on one’s own leadership methods often gets lost in the day-to day activities of the business. The tools of effective leadership are often only partially known or applied – and therefore the potential of the employees under one’s supervision has not been unleashed and utilized.

Leadership skills do not automatically come about with a new job title or a promotion. They are being acquired and need to be practiced.

Good leaders:

  • can motivate
  • convey the company’s goals to their staff
  • correctly utilise the talents of their staff

Excellent leaders:

  • act with confidence in every situation
  • understand how to use the right management tools in each situation
  • develop the potential and skillset of their staff