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Excellent sales representatives lead the customer from "maybe" to "yes, absolutely!"

Professional Sales

Training for Outside Sales Representatives

For salespeople, professionalism demands a range of skills, from the ability to listen and understand to the ability to win over clients and close the sale.

This requires a wide variety of competencies:

  • Knowing the best way to obtain a “yes” from the client
  • How do I convey that I am “just the right” sales partner?
  • The four stages of the sales process
  • How do I make the phrase “tailor-made solution” believable?
  • Getting an accurate understanding of how the client operates

The ability to present your brand and products persuasively
What makes us stand out, from the client’s point of view?
Selling a concept, not a product
How to avoid underselling your brand

How to effectively handle objections and excuses
Staying confident and level-headed when dealing with objections 

From “Yes, but…” to “Yes, of course!”
Distinguishing between objections and excuses and reacting in a result-oriented way
How does a sales professional respond to “too expensive”, “we don’t need it”, and other difficult objections?